SAPEPAA is alive and well and following our recent SAPEPAA Adviser accreditation at the Gold Coast we have over 15 new members joining the association. The potential in front of us is huge. A good friend of mine Andrew Inwood - who we are trying to secure for the October SAPEPAA conference is CEO of Core Data and has been researching the wealth transfer from the Baby Boomers over the next 25 years. He told me that it is not $3.2B trillion as published by the Productivity Commission but up around $6 trillion+ once you take into account property and business sales - which are not recorded in the Productivity Commission figures.
Some SAPEPAA news:
The SAPEPAA Annual conference is on 5-7 October 2024 at the Anantara at Koh Samui. We will have a number of guest speakers to provide a wider range of valuable strategies this year plus the location is again a great place to get away from Australia and focus on what we have going with SAPEPAA. This year's conference theme is "Break Out" as it is time to let the world know about SAPEPAA and our Board Certified Advisers. You can register for the conference on line here: SAPEPAA International Advisers Conference - Koh Samui 2024 | SAPEPAA
The first quarterly CPD session is from 10am - 1pm ADST on 27 March and we will be covering three important areas: The session has three CPD points and you can register here: SAPEPAA Advisers Member Seminar | SAPEPAA
Estoppel Unveiled: Explore the nuances of promissory estoppel in estate planning with senior SAPEPAA adviser John Gowing. Gain valuable insights from his experience in Reeves v Reeves [2024] NSWSC 134. This session is a "must-attend."
Nil Interest Loans & Family Protection: Navigate the intricacies of nil interest loans from discretionary trusts to children or related party lenders. We will dissect case law, Commissioner of Taxation updates, and share a sneak peek at an ATO submission for the benefit of SAPEPAA members.
Mindset Magic for SAPEPAA Success: Join us in exploring the unique mindset required for success as a SAPEPAA adviser. Discover the tools, resources, and conversational prowess needed for confidence, success, and personal/professional growth.
The SAPEPAA Legacy Builders Portal is slowly in the process of being rolled out and is available from the main page of the site. In the LB portal is housed a range of videos and articles for general public consumption. Advisers, feel free to borrow any of these resources or direct your clients to the LB portal or videos therein. We have appointed a social media content creator to start making our name in the financial services realm for Mums and Dads looking to "Protect Family Wealth for Bloodline for Generations to come". If you have any content to go up or articles let us know.
Nominations for SAPEPAA Adviser of the Year are open and if you would like to nominate someone please contact
If you missed it Director Michael Jeffriess poured open his soul last week recounting his brush with death following two heart attacks. It is great viewing or listen and more importantly he acknowledges - SAPEPAA wise he was underprepared. You can watch this moving account here: Always remember this is your association and to see the Victorian chapter have a preparatory get together to discuss issues and client cases is a great initiative. The Board is happy to have other States take the initiative of commencing their chapters and where possible the Board is happy to present by video conference at any meetings. We are all in this together and it is vital to build a strong recognisable name that stands for family wealth protection, quality of advice and also empathy with families.